Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog #14: Semester in Review

The first semester of my sophomore year has been a busy one. Even though it has been more fun than freshman year, especially Tri-City Orchestra, it has been a lot more stressful due to my effort in trying to keep all my straight A's well..... straight.A's. Biology, for one, has had its ups and downs. My favorite activities of the semester are those that had to do with microscopes. I liked it best because I thought it was fun and very interesting. My least favorite activity of the semester is the Wiki project that we are doing right now. It is my least favorite because of the fact that it's really hard and confusing. If I could change one thing to improve the next semester, I would want to not have a project that is really confusing and uses a method that none of has have ever had experience with, like the Wiki project.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blog #13: DNA and Crime investigation

DNA has changed how we investigate crimes in many ways. One way is that it helps clear people that have been wrongfully charged,  of their charges, and throws the correct suspect in jail. Even decades later. It is way more precise than older methods. But unfortunately there has been such a huge pile up of cases over the years, that there are not enough forensic analyzers.

Two examples of tests are:
1. Salivary Tests

2.  Blood Tests