Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog #7: Biome Comparison

Desert Biome:

  • Hot in the day
  • Very little precipitation. The little precipitation comes in rain.
  • Tend to be near the equator.
  • Plants and animals have evolved for life in the desert.

    Tundra Biome:
    • Very cold.
    • Precipitation is in snow.
    • Far from the equator.
    • Ground is frozen under called permafrost.
    • Plants and animals have evolved for life in the cold.

    Wednesday, March 9, 2011

    Blog #6: Which Level of a Food Pyramid is the Most Important?

    I think that the plants/producers group is the most important group. It is the first group on the whole pyramid. Without it, the group above would suffer from a food shortage and die off. Therefore, causing a chain reaction all the way up to the top.

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    Blog #5: Are Humans Impacting the 6th Extinction Event?

    Throughout Earth's history, there have been five major extinction events. Because of those events, many species either became endangered or extinct. But all of those events occurred due to a certain cause. There lately has been talk that humans may cause the next extinction event with pollution and such. I think it is completely possible that it could cause a major extinction event in the distant future with the effects of pollution. But that's not the only possibility, I think that another could also be caused by natural events such as major ocean level changes and asteroid impacts.