Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blog #14: Dissected Organisms Comparison

  1. Grasshopper

     2. Frog
  • Similarities
          -Both have at least one heart.
          -Both have a set of jumping legs.
  • Differences
          -Grasshopper has an exoskeleton, frog has endoskeleton.
          -Grasshopper has wings, frog doesn't.
          -Grasshopper has a compound eye, frog has a normal eye.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog #13: What Was The Most Interesting About This Week's Dissections?

The most interesting things about this weeks dissections is definitely learning how the internal anatomy inside each animal is organized, and how each one works. I don't know why, but I really liked the crayfish dissection because of the way it looked and how we were able to take it apart.

Blog #12: What Surprised Me During the Worm Dissection?

There were quite a few things that surprised me when I did the worm dissection. The first thing that surprised me was the size of the worm alone. But the main thing that surprised me was the fact that the worm actually has individual working organs inside.

Blog #11: A Picture of Alteration of Generations and an Explanation

This picture has the same stages as the life cycle of a fern.

The Life cycle of a typical fern:
  1. sporophyte (diploid) phase produces haploid spores by meiosis.
  2. A spore grows by mitosis into a gametophyte, which typically consists of a photosynthetic prothallus.
  3. The gametophyte produces gametes (often both sperm and eggs on the same prothallus) by mitosis.
  4. A mobile, flagellate sperm fertilizes an egg that remains attached to the prothallus.
  5. The fertilized egg is now a diploid zygote and grows by mitosis into a sporophyte (the typical "fern" plant).