Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog #4: Article Summarization

'Goldilocks' Planet's Temperature Just Right For Life

Scientists recently discovered a special new planet. The new planet, that scientists are calling "Gliese 581-g" is special because it is the right distance from its star to be able to hold liquid water and support life. Astronomers have found hundreds of planets over the past few years, but none are as revolutionary as this one. Anywhere on Earth, if you can find water, you can find life. The only problem is, for now, there is no direct evidence that the planet has water.

I think this article is important because it announces that astronomers have just discovered a planet that might have life on it. Life on other terrestrial bodies has been speculated for a long time.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog #3: Are Non-Carbon Based Life Forms Possible?

I think carbon based life forms are completely possible. But only on other places in the Universe because every living on Earth is carbon based. I think that they are possible because other places in the Universe have different environments. I also think its possible because NASA probes haven't even left the Solar System yet. So there are millions of possibilities

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog #2: Should the U.S. switch to the metric system?

A few years ago, Climate Orbiter, one of NASA's Mars probes was lost. It was due to a mis-measurement when some of the scientists in England used metric measurements, while the scientists in the U.S. used the standard system.

Even though the rest of the world uses the metric system, the U.S. uses the standard system. It can cause confusion between different countries. But I personally don't think that the U.S. needs to switch because:
  1. It would cause confusion for the people in the U.S. who didn't hear about the switch.
  2. It would take a very long time for all the companies and the public to make and get used to the switch.

Mini Bibliography: This is a link to the page that I used to get a bit of info about the probe.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blog #1: Goals for Class and School

Goals for class:

  • Get an A for both semesters.
  • Learn many new things.
  • Make new friends.
  • Have fun. 
Goals for school:

  • To make this year a memorable and enjoyable year.
  • To pass the CAHSEE. 
  • To get at least a B in math, but to get an A in the rest of the classes.
Picture that represents me:
I can't really find a picture that represents all of me. But I found one that represents one of them. :)

First Post

I've been thinking about making an account on this for a while. But since I have to now, I finally made one. lol :)