Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog #2: Should the U.S. switch to the metric system?

A few years ago, Climate Orbiter, one of NASA's Mars probes was lost. It was due to a mis-measurement when some of the scientists in England used metric measurements, while the scientists in the U.S. used the standard system.

Even though the rest of the world uses the metric system, the U.S. uses the standard system. It can cause confusion between different countries. But I personally don't think that the U.S. needs to switch because:
  1. It would cause confusion for the people in the U.S. who didn't hear about the switch.
  2. It would take a very long time for all the companies and the public to make and get used to the switch.

Mini Bibliography: This is a link to the page that I used to get a bit of info about the probe.

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