Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog #7: IM Message

IM: dis is y i would never want to get chicken pox. even though i already got it once, i would h8 to get it again. :( the symptoms include itchy rashes, fever, malaise, irritability, mild headache, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. -_____-  it only lasts 10 days though. it only spreads by direct contact. and once u get it once, it is very rare that some1 gets it again. :)

Translation: This is why I would never want to get chicken pox. Even though I already got it once, I would hate to get it again. The symptoms include itchy rashes, fever, malaise, irritability, mild headache, abdominal pain, and a loss of appetite. It only lats ten days though and it only spreads by direct contact between people. Once you get it, it is vey unlikely that you will ever get it again.

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